HACCP Level 3 with RSPH examination
This is the level of HACCP training required by HACCP Team Leaders for BRC / ISO22000 certificated companies. The course provides essential information for HACCP team members, managers and supervisors in food manufacturing to ensure that HACCP systems are developed and implemented correctly & effectively. The course uses a practical approach to underpin the theory of HACCP.
The RSPH Level 3 HACCP paper examination is arranged on completion of the course.
Click course title to enrol for immediate start.
Cost £195.00 + VAT
HACCP Level 3 for Food Manufacturers with online Allsafe CPD Exam
This is a full Level 3 HACCP course following the RSPH syllabus and includes the Allsafe Level 3 HACCP (CPD certificated) exam online.
The course consists of 22 easy to follow eVideo presentations.
This is the level of HACCP training required by HACCP Team Leaders for BRC / ISO22000 certificated companies. The course provides essential information for HACCP team members, managers and supervisors in food manufacturing to ensure that HACCP systems are developed and implemented correctly & effectively. The course uses a practical approach to underpin the theory of HACCP.
Online CPD certificated Allsafe Level 3 HACCP exam included.
Click course title to enrol for immediate start.
Cost £145.00 + VAT